Broomielaw and Tradeston Glasgow
Bespoke Pedestrian Parapet System
Project: Broomielaw and Tradeston Glasgow
Principal Contractor: Graham Construction
Value: £456,000
Product: Bespoke pedestrian parapet system
Programme: 16 weeks
Working closely with the main contractor and the Atkins design and engineering team, Rourkes Contract Division value engineered the parapet system enabling the original concept to be achieved within budget.
Developing the designs through CAD modelling and the manufacture of control samples, an attractive functional galvanized system incorporating a stainless steel continuous handrail was manufactured and installed.
With close attention to detail the continuous stainless steel handrail encompassed the lighting columns. To complete the project, DDA compliant stainless steel handrail was fitted to all ramp and stepped areas, both fixed and fold down bollards and bespoke tree grilles were also designed, supplied and installed.
The design is fully compliant with:
- BS 7818:1995 Pedestrian restraint systems
- BS 8300:2009 Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people
- BS 6399-1:1996 Loading for buildings